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Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 3, 2014

Fantasia and Elsewhere

In the mid-‘40s, the Disney studio was known for its “package features” of several shorter cartoons linked together, but it tested the idea a couple of times before that. In the ‘30s, Disney released a compilation of old shorts—buttressed by the studio’s most popular title of the time, “The Three Little Pigs.” In 1940, Disney tried again. It released a “festival” of several old shorts, coupled with its most popular title of the time, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.” No new costly animation was involved. Not only was it inexpensive, it was a big hit and, since Uncle Walt had graduated in his mind to feature production, it filled the gap between the releases of “Pinocchio” and “Fantasia.”

And, still, the Disney studio lost money.

The story of the animation world in the second half of 1940 is the story of “Fantasia.” Disney hewed to the show biz adage that you had to give the audience something new. The “new” in this case was an expensive sound system that theatres didn’t have. Producing a film that you can’t show in a lot of places seems like a fool’s errand, but Disney seems to have felt the publicity would keep audiences streaming into theatres to see it again and again.

In looking over the pages of The Film Daily, little attention is paid to cartoon shorts, outside of the obligatory review section. Bob Stokes of Disney tried to get into the theatrical shorts business with Paul Edmonds. They copyrighted “Sassy Sis” on December 11, 1940; three months earlier they were dickering with Shirley Temple to be the character’s voice but nothing happened. Walter Lantz was back in business—the shutdown he mentioned in his autobiography was never reported by The Film Daily— and while his publicity people were letting the world know that Winchester Turtle would be on the screen, the studio unknowingly had a star in the making.

The best news for the Fleischer studio was the announcement of the Superman cartoons. The publication seemed to think much of what Max and Dave were putting on the screen stunk.

July 1, 1940
Every Other Terry-Toon Being Made In Color
Eight pictures completed or in various stages of production at the Terry-Toons Studio for 1940-41 show Paul Terry's cartoon outfit making every other subject in Technicolor. First on the release schedule is "Billy Mouse's Aquacade," made by arrangement with Billy Rose.

July 2, 1940
Schlesinger Plant Closed As 200 Workers Vacation
West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY
Hollywood — A month ahead of schedule on production, Leon Schlesinger's cartoon plant has closed for the annual vacation period; activity resumes July 15, when staff of 200 reports back. Employes with organization for year or more get week's vacation with pay, others half a week's.
Twenty pictures are now in some phase of production for the 1940-41 Warner program, which calls again for 26 "Merrie Melodies" in Technicolor and 16 "Looney Tunes" starring Porky Pig.
First "Merrie Melodie" for the new season is in its final stages. It's "Malibu Beach Party", "Prehistoric Porky," first '40-'41 "Looney Tune," has already been photographed.

July 5, 1940
RKO Re-issuing 'Snow White' To Sell Feature, Four Shorts as Package
Walt Disney's "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs." off the screen since mid-1939 following 18 months' circulation, will be re-issued by RKO as the piece de resistance of a Walt Disney Festival program which will include as well four Disney shorts, Ned E. Depinet, RKO vice-prexy, announced Wednesday. Program will be sold as a package.
Decision to restore "Snow White" to circulation followed a series of tests under way for six months and culminating: with final experimental engagements at the Park, Meadville, Pa., the Kingston, Kingston, where both the feature and shorts had been already seen by approximately 70 per cent of each audience.
Festival program in these two typical situations—Meadville being a single feature town and Kingston a double feature spot—is credited with more than doubling normal business; two-day run in Meadville played to 268 per cent of average Thursday-Friday biz, three-day engagement in Kingston played to 202 per cent of average Thursday through Saturday biz. Majority of audiences was adult.
According to Hal Horne, Disney exec, shorts most satisfactory in support of "Snow White" in the tests are "The Practical Pig," "Ferdinand the Bull," "The Ugly Duckling" and "Donald's Lucky Day," and these will go into the package.

July 10, 1940
Schlesinger With Hamilburg
West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY
Hollywood—Leon Schlesinger has contracted Mitchell J. Hamilburg Co. as sole representative of the Leon Schlesinger Corp., for commercial and licensing tie-ups involving the use of the Schlesinger name, "Porky Pig," "Daffy Duck" and other cartoon characters.

July 11, 1940
No National Release Date For Walt Disney Festival
RKO is setting no national release date for its Walt Disney Festival, package show embracing "Snow White" and four Disney shorts, it was learned yesterday. Sectional availability will be tied to kev first-runs, with RKO asking "A" pix treatment for the show.

July 12, 1940
"Snow White" Package Into Criterion July 27
Walt Disney Festival show opens at the Criterion July 27 with reissue of "Snow White" and four shorts comprising the program. Shorts are: "The Ugly Duckling," "The Three Little Pigs," "Ferdinand The Bull," and "Donald's Lucky Day."

July 25, 1940
"Fantasia" Will Require At Least 3 Months More
West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY
Hollywood —With practically [all?] footage on Walt Disney's new full-length production, "Fantasia," in the inking, painting and camera departments, the picture's directors and animators are currently at work on new short productions.
Although three months now should find "Fantasia" in a fairly complete state, it is not unlikely that a little more time will be needed for the completion of the devices and special sound and varied unique effects, which will be introduced to the public with the production.

July 29, 1940
20th-Fox Renews Deal For Paul Terry Reels
Although their present arrangement still has one year to go, 20th-Fox and Terry-Toons have signed a long term renewal contract for the distribution of Paul Terry's animated cartoons. New contract will carry this distribution set-up into the second decade, as the company has already been handling Terry-Toons for seven years.
With the current season schedule and the long term renewal to follow, Terry's New Rochelle organization is committed to deliver more than 100 pictures to 20th-Fox.

July 30, 1940
Walt Disney Festival To Stay at Criterion
The Walt Disney Festival, current at the Criterion Theater, Broadway, will be held for a second week, following a record-breaking opening on Saturday and heavy subsequent business. Big surprise has been the adult attendance, only 30 per cent of the patrons being children.

July 31, 1940
Para. to Have Fleischer Feature for 1941-42
Max Fleischer is preparing a feature-length cartoon for Paramount's 1941-42 program. Animation is to start in about four months, Fleischer said yesterday in New York, adding that the feature was as yet untitled but will be based on a semi-fantastic theme.
Music for the film will be written by Hoagy Carmichael and Frank Loesser, who are now in Florida.

Still Photos in Color Plug Terry-Toons
Accessories on Terry-Toons to be issued by 20th Century-Fox in the coming season will include full color 8 by 10 still photographs on those subjects produced in Technicolor. This new service will start with "Billy Mouse's Akwakade," the first release of the season.

August 1, 1940
Walt Disney's “Fantasia” For Release in October?
Hal Horne, vice-president and eastern representative for Walt Disney Enterprises, left yesterday for the Coast to confer on release dates for forthcoming product. Present plans call for the release of "Fantasia" in October and a definite date is expected to result from the parleys. Other feature cartoons in various stages of preparation are "Bambi," "Peter Pan" and one in which Robert Benchley is to appear.

August 5, 1940
Phil M. Daly column, New York
• • • BEHIND the headlines ... which tell of the sensational success ... of the current Disney Festival ... is a yarn well worth the spinning ... for it proves that keen judgment and sound strategy ... still loom large in this industry ... So, here goes: .... On June 30, 1939, "Snow White," somewhat to the amazement of many ... was withdrawn from circulation ... despite the fact that it was doing very well, thank you, in hundreds of repeat engagements ... The reason for the step ... was simply that the solons of the Disney and RKO Radio organizations ... had their thinking-caps firmly on their skulls .... and their far-sighted spectacles ... fixed upon an especially golden future ... —golden not only for themselves ... but for the exhibitors of all the land.
• • • WITH these spectacles ... they had already examined ... the revenues which "Snow White" had been piling-up in the repeat engagements ... and they saw one fact very clearly ... —that the longer the elapsed-time 'twixt original and repeat engagement ... the better the "take" ... and so they concluded that if "Snow White" were yanked off the market ... and re-issued sometime later ... that, in the interim, public appetite would be sharpened ... and that a large bloc of youngsters would have come to cinema age ... Further, that segment of grown-ups and their offspring who hadn't through some circumstance seen the picture at all ... would represent an added audience "potential" for the exhibitor.
• • • BEFORE "Snow White" was re-issued at all ... the method of doing so was carefully studied and analyzed ... This corner has personally seen the magnificent, logical and scientific processes ... which led to this step ... and to the selection of the proper time ... The result is the Disney Festival Program ... comprising not only "Snow White" ... but a carefully and brilliantly chosen surrounding array of Disney shorts ... —"Donald's Lucky Day," "Ugly Duckling," "Three Little Pigs," and "Ferdinand the Bull" ... Exhaustive probing and public test-runs determined this array ... The entire conception of the Disney Festival ... as well as its commercial mechanics ... is something of prime excellence ... To box-offices everywhere ... it is destined to be as refreshing and stimulating as a bracing breeze.

August 8, 1940
Disney Festival Stays Third Week at Criterion
The Walt Disney Festival which has been doing top business at Loew's Criterion Theater since its opening will be held over for a third week starting Saturday, Charles Moss, manager of the Loew's Criterion, announced yesterday.

August 15, 1940
Fleischer Asks Tax Relief
Miami, Fla. — Fleischer Studios, Inc., has filed a circuit court action seeking relief from $1,243.80 in taxes. The complaint points out that in 1933 the state adopted a constitutional amendment exempting all motion picture studios coming into Florida from taxation for 15 years.

August 19, 1940
Ralph Wilk column, Hollywood
WALT DISNEY will start work on his Robert Benchley feature, "The Reluctant Dragon," in approximately six weeks with a view to a late Winter release of the picture which will combine cartoon footage and live action. Kenneth Graham is the author of the story.

August 20, 1940
Fleischer to Make Super Man Shorts
Max Fleischer is reported to have closed a deal with Super Man, Inc., for the production of cartoon shorts based on the well-known comic strip character. Shorts will be distributed by Paramount, the first release tentatively scheduled for early December. Deal is for three years with options.

August 22, 1940
"Fantasia" Ready in Nov, Disney Feature On Road Show Basis Only
"Fantasia," Walt Disney's musical feature, will have its roadshow premiere in New York early in November, according to Hal Horne, Disney executive, who returned this week from Coast parleys. Disney's staff of 1,200 artists and technicians has been working with Leopold Stokowski and Deems Taylor for the last two years on the picture.
Because of the vast amount of equipment necessary to produce the sound, each theater showing "Fantasia" will have to be re-equipped with devices especially designed for this production. For that reason, the picture will have to be road-showed exclusively.
"Fantasia" is said to differ in format from any motion picture yet shown. It will employ media never before used in the animated field and will utilize sound as a definite dramatic force. In this picture for the first time oils and pastels will be introduced in animation, an achievement made possible only after years of development by Disney and his staff of artists. For the first time also humans will be seen in an animated feature but not as in live action pictures. Disney's handling of “live” people, to permit their blending in with the animation, will of itself, it is said, be an innovation.
It is in the reproduction of the music, however, that "Fantasia" will be the most revolutionary, according to Horne. To make this possible Disney and his staff of technicians working in close collaboration with Stokowski and RCA engineers perfected a system of reproduction that may prove as epoch making in the entertainment field as the original introduction of sound in motion pictures, Horne said.
More than 430,000 feet of music were recorded by Stokowski and the Philadelphia Symphony Orcchestra in special sound rooms in the Academy of Music in Philadelphia. The full Symphony Orchestra of 103 pieces was used. The only familiar character in “Fantasia” will be Mickey Mouse,all the other characters are new.

August 23, 1940
Fleischer to Co-Star Popeye and His Pappy
Executives at the Fleischer Studios in Miami, producers of the Popeye and other series of shorts for Paramount release, are co-starring Popeye and Poopdeck Pappy, the spinach-eater's father. Poopdeck Pappy will appear in Paramount's line-up of new season's short subjects which will be released, beginning September.

August 28, 1940
"U" Will Release 13 Lantz Color Cartoons
Universal will release 13 Walter Lantz color comedy cartoons during the 1940-41 season, it was announced yesterday. Andy Panda, cartoon character created last season by producer Lantz and his staff will be the central figure in the new series. Other animated characters to be featured in the shorts include Oswald The Rabbit, Li'l Eight Ball, Winchester The Turtle and a number of new ones which are being developed by Lantz and his artists.
First of the new cartoons, "Andy Panda's Crazy House," will be released September 9. Two others nearing completion, "Recruiting Days" and "Knock-Knock" will follow. Lantz will produce on the Universal lot.

August 29, 1940
Kostelanetz to Write Music for "Puppettoons'
George Pal, ace European cartoon creator, yesterday closed a long pending deal with the famed maestro, Andre Kostelanetz, to handle the musical end of Pal's first two "Puppettoon" features for Paramount release. Kostelanetz, who has just returned from a Honolulu vacation with his wife, Lily Pons, will serve as musical director on the Pal shorts, supervise musical arrangements and direct his orchestra in scoring the pictures.

September 6, 1940
Cleveland — George Lefko, RKO branch manager, announces that Associated and Community circuits involving 39 houses have bought the Disney Festival program. Only a few neighborhood houses played "Snow White" when originally released because of failure to agree on the percentage policy.

September 10, 1940
Phil M. Daly column
• • • THERE'S always something new ... in New Rochelle ... if for no other reason than that Paul Terry hatches his famous Terrytoons there ... As many as eight short subjects are oft in some stage of production simultaneously in the Terry plant ... and sometimes the total hits nine if you want to count the polishing-up of an incipient script ... Yes'day, this comer dropped in to visit Professor Paul's bailiwick ... and found him and his creative cohorts working at full steam on the 1940-41 line-up ... which will mark the first year of a second decade of Terrytoons. • • • VIRTUALLY everybody in filmland ... at one time or another ... since the duel of duals began ... has offered some kinda solution ... aimed at gettin' rid of the darn things ... so with apologies to none ... and charity toward all ... we hold that the ditching of duals would be appreciably aided .... were exhibs. to lamp at first hand ... the tremendous amount of genius and effort ... put into animated cartoon subjects ... by their clever and enthusiastic fashioners ... A stem to stern inspection of the Terry factory ... would go a long, long way ... toward converting theatermen everywhere .... to granting deserved playing-time to shorts. • • • Just recently have come out of Prof. Terry's factory of fun ... such subjects as "Billy Mouse's Akwakade," "The Lucky Duck," "Club Life in the Stone Age," and "How Wet Was My Ocean" ... and en route are "Touchdown Demons," "Landing of the Pilgrims," "Happy Hunting Grounds," "Plane Goofy" and "The Magic Pencil" ... and yes'day we saw in work a slick subject anent a snow-man ... We mention the latter with reverence because in watching it go through the animation mill we were astonished at how real the world of unreality is to the Terry band of artists .... and that eloquently explains why the Terrytoons are so packed with pleasantries .... A second reason is that amusing ideas increase like rabbits ... in the Terry hutch .... because every member of the staff is encouraged in the fine art ... of artistic teamwork ... It couldn't be otherwise in an organization headed by a man ... who won success on the precept: ... "To succeed is to create".

September 12, 1940
Stokes-Edmonds Will Enter Cartoon Field
West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY
Hollywood—Stokes-Edmonds Productions has been incorporated to produce a series of one-reel animated cartoons in Technicolor, starring "Sassy Sis." Negotiations are now being concluded for a major release. Schedule calls for 13 cartoons to be produced the first year. Productions on the first will begin late this month.
President of the corporation is Bob Stokes who, for the past five years has been connected with the Walt Disney Studios. Vice-President and treasurer of the new corporation is Paul Edmonds, until recently personal business representative for Boris Morros Productions.
Herbert T. Silverberg has been retained as attorney and the George R. Bilson office has been engaged to handle press relations.

September 13, 1940
AFL Expects to Recruit 10,000 from Studios
Aubrey Blair, AFL organizer, told a gathering of 32 representatives of studio professional and labor organizations...that present Federation studio unions are also encouraging AFL studio expansion moves. He said an effort will be made to unionize all cartoonists and have them made part of the painters union. He plans to establish headquarters in Hollywood shortly.

Disney Setting Up Staff For "Fantasia" Release
Walt Disney Enterprises is setting up its own publicity staff for the handling of "Fantasia." Toni Spitzer, who has been handling Disney product for RKO, is now working exclusively under the Disney banner, inasmuch as "Fantasia" will be distributed by the producer, himself, instead of by RKO.
Meanwhile, it is announced that Alfred Werker has been signed by Disney to direct the live action sequences in "The Reluctant Dragon," starring Robert Benchley. Picture will be released early in 1941. Disney, all told, is said to have seven features in prospect.

September 19, 1940
Coming and Going
WILLIAM E. GARITY, chief engineer of Walt Disney Studios, arrived in New York terday accompanied by technical assistant; confer with RCA engineers and Hal Horne the selection of a theater in New York for world premiere of "Fantasia."

September 20, 1940
Cartoonists to Vote On Metro Strike
West Coast Bur., THE FILM DAILY
Hollywood—Screen Cartoonists' Guild executive board has rejected M-G-M's wage proposal and has ordered a strike vote for Wednesday night. It is understood the cartoonists are asking a minimum scale of 62½ cents an hour with a five-day 40-hour week.

September 24, 1940
RKO and Disney Renew Pact
Covers Two Cartoon Features, Also Shorts
Renewal of Walt Disney's distribution contract with RKO was announced yesterday by George J. Schaefer, RKO president, who revealed that two feature-length cartoons were included in the deal.
The two features are "Bambi" and "The Reluctant Dragon," both in production. New pact also extends the present short subject agreement, and was negotiated by Schaefer, Roy Disney, Ned Depinet, Gunther Lessing and Gordon E. Youngman.
"The Reluctant Dragon" is nearing completion and will be released late this year or early in 1941. "Bambi" has been in production for more than two years.
Due to the nature of "Fantasia," newest Disney feature, the picture will be handled by the Disney organization, Schaefer said in explaining the situation which has caused some confusion within the industry. Picture will be roadshowed with special technical equipment in especially altered theaters.

M-G-M, Cartoonists Agree
West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY
Hollywood—Agreement made between the Screen Cartoonists Guild and M-G-M provides for 100 per cent guild shop, 40 hours a week with time and a half for holidays and double time for Sundays and holidays. Minimum for animators is $85 a week.

September 25, 1940
"Fantasia" Premiere At N. Y. Broadway
World premiere of Walt Disney's newest feature production, "Fantasia," will be held at the Broadway Theater in New York City, it was announced yesterday, following several months of combing the city for a theater which would meet the problems of installing the special equipment necessary for showing the production by RCA engineers and Disney technicians, working with Leopold Stokowski and Walt Disney himself.
While no definite date has been set for the opening, it is believed it will take place in mid-November. When it does open, the Broadway will be the first theater in the world and the only one in Greater New York which will play "Fantasia," the elaborate equipment precluding it from playing in regular motion picture theaters.
“Fantasia,” with musical score conducted by Stokowski, has elicited more interest as to what it is all about than even "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs," say Disney representatives. Because of its new format and revolutionary techniques, such as animation with oils and pastels, drawing on glass, counter directional backgrounds and moving sound, its advent is eagerly awaited by the motion picture industry which ponders if this newest Disney achievement will start an entirely new trend in production and exhibition.

September 26, 1940
Disney Gives Technicolor Short to Aid Chest Drive
Walt Disney has produced and donated "The Volunteer Worker," three-minute Technicolor short starring Donald Duck, to the 1940 Community Chest campaigns of the U. S. and Canada. Distribution will be through Community Chests and Councils, Inc., with reel expected to play thousands of theaters during October and November while local chest campaigns are on. Dr. A. H. Giannini is vice-chairman of the national Chest committee, and has been largely responsible for the film industry's co-op.

September 30, 1940
Ralph Wilk column, Hollywood
“REFRESHMENT THROUGH THE YEARS,” a two-reel subject in Technicolor, is being shown at the Orpheum, Los Angeles first-run house for a week. Each patron is given a bottle of Coca Cola. Deal for the showing of the picture was set by C. David Berman, vice-president in charge of distribution of Cartoon Films.

October 1, 1940
Earl Hurd, One of First Animated Cartoonists, Dies West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY
Hollywood—Funeral services for Earl Hurd, 60, one of the originators of the Bray-Hurd process of animating cartoons, who died of a heart attack, will be held today at the Fillback Mortuary, Burbank. He was an animator at the Walt Disney studios.

October 3, 1940
"Fantasia's" Broadway Premiere on Nov. 13
Walt Disney's "Fantasia" will have its world premiere at the Broadway Theater, New York, on Nov. 13. Because of the special equipment necessary for the showing of the picture, the Broadway will be the only New York house to present it.
RCA Engineering Laboratories has given assurance that the first unit of the revolutionary sound equipment will be ready to install within the next two weeks.
"Fantasia" will be shown twice daily at reserved seats with the price scale ranging from 55 cents to $2.20, depending on 'the location of the seats.

October 9, 1940
Disney Signs Frances Gifford
West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY
Hollywood — Walt Disney has signed Frances Gifford for the feminine lead in his cartoon-live action film, "The Reluctant Dragon," in which Robert Benchley stars. Production starts today.

October 10, 1940
"Fantasia" Opening As Aid to Britain?
Negotiations are reported to have been held whereby proceeds from the New York premiere of Walt Disney's "Fantasia" will go to the British War Relief Society. Premiere has been set for Nov. 13 at the Broadway.

October 22, 1940
Wanger Holds Up Prod'n Until "Fantasia" Opens
Until the revolutionary sound treatment of Walt Disney's "Fantasia" is introduced, Walter Wanger will hold up future production plans. Planning "Personal History" as his next picture, Wanger will personally supervise key city presentations of "The Long Voyage Home" before returning to Hollywood.
In making his announcement, Wanger said that the industry needs a strong stimulant. Disney engineers, he said, have worked more than two years perfecting the sound equipment for "Fantasia" and advance reports indicate that a startling technical advancement is in store. Wanger said he wanted to be ready to take advantage of these accomplishments and be the first to employ them in "living" picture production.
Proceeds from the world premiere of "Fantasia" at the Broadway theater on Nov. 13 will go to the British War Relief Society. Price range for the opening night will be $5, $7.50 and $10.

October 24, 1940
West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY
Hollywood — Walt Disney was awarded the SMPE's Progress Medal last night for his achievement in developing the cartoon movie to its present status.

October 25, 1940
New Bunny Character By Schlesinger Clicks
West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY
Hollywood — Leon Schlesinger is rushing production on "Elmer's Pet Rabbit," a "Merrie Melodie" cartoon in Technicolor, starring "Bugs" Bunny, a new cartoon character. "Bugs" made his debut in "A Wild Hare." Fox West Coast, which formerly gave the "Merrie Melodie" series only spot bookings, has now booked the subjects for 60 theaters.

October 30, 1940
Board of Review Devotes Full Session to "Fantasia"
For the first time since the National Board of Review held its initial annual conference 26 years ago, this year it will devote a major session of its convention to the showing of a single motion picture as a revolutionary event in the progress of the movies, it is announced by James Shelley Hamilton, executive director. Pix is Walt Disney's "Fantasia." Delegates from 37 States will attend the annual conference to be held in New York on November 14-16.

November 1, 1940
Ampa Fetes Paul Terry On His 25th Anniversary
Paul Terry, creator of Terrytoons, told how he sold his first animated cartoon to Lewis J. Selznick for $1 a foot at the Ampa luncheon yesterday at the Hotel Edison. Back in the days when he was making Aesop Fables, his staff consisted of 19 artists, while today more than 100 are employed in turning out Terrytoons, he said. Terry was presented with a plaque in honor of his 25th year in the business.
James Moran, of the Fred Waring band, offered some recordings of some "very odd sound effects." Desi Arnaz, of "Too Many Girls," also spoke.
It was announced by President Leon Bamberger that Ampa would join with the Book and Magazine Guild in presenting an award to the best picture made from a novel. Award will be made at Manhattan Center on Nov. 8. Judges will be prominnt book reviewers.

Union Dispute May Delay “Fantasia” Opening
Union dispute over jurisdiction threatens to delay the opening of Walt Disney's "Fantasia" set for the Broadway Theater on Nov. 13. Dispute is between Local No. 1, IATSE and Local No. 3 IBEW and is over the installation of the special sound recording equipment need for the presentation of the production.
IBEW handles electrical equipment new buildings and the IATSE handles maintenance of such equipment in theaters. The row has been in progress almost a week.

November 4, 1940
“Fastasia” Jurisdictional Dispute Ended by Browne
Possibility of a serious delay that might have delayed the world premiere of Walt Disney's "Fantasia" Nov. 13 at the Broadway Theater disappeared Friday when all difficulties between Local 1, stagehands, and Local 3, electricians, were settled. Full crews from both unions went to work in the theater at 8 A.M. Friday after a huddle the previous night between union leaders to iron out the jurisdictional dispute.
Local 1 is handling the installation of all the Disney equipment in the house, and Local 3 is handling the removal of all permanent equipment and will also re-install it when the run of the Disney picture is completed. The picture requires special sound equipment. George E. Browne, IATSE prexy, was instrumental in ironing out the dispute.

November 7, 1940
RCA "Fantasound" Named for "Fantasia"
What RCA terms its revolutionary new "Fantasound," third-dimensional system designed by company engineers, derives its name from the fact that it was developed for use in connection with Walt Disney's equally revolutionary new film, "Fantasia." RCA sources assert they expect that within a few years all leading theaters, in order to show this new form of screen entertainment which Disney has pioneered, will have to be equipped with this new type of sound equipment.

November 11, 1940
Only 76 Theaters To Get “Fantasia”
Walt Disney's "Fantasia" will play in a maximum of 76 theaters in as many U. S. cities during the next two years, but will be shown in no more than 12 at the same time. It is anticipated by Disney that the picture will gross $15,000,000 during its entire run.
"Fantasia" has its premiere at the Broadway Theater, New York, on Wednesday and is expected to remain more than a year. Second engagement has been set for Dec. 27 in Los Angeles. Other early bookings include Chicago, Boston, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Salt Lake City and Seattle.

November 12, 1940
Paramount Will Sell "Raggedy Ann" Separately
"Raggedy Ann," two-reel Max Fleischer cartoon, will be released by Paramount during the Easter season and will be sold separately from the shorts program. Short originally was scheduled for Christmas week release but was set back so as not to compete with the first "Superman" subject now being prepared by Fleischer.

November 13, 1940
3 Disney Features Annually
Represents Minimum Program, Producer Says

Walt Disney plans to produce a minimum of three feature-length cartoons a year, he said yesterday at a trade press conference. Disney, who is here for the opening of his "Fantasia" tonight, said future feature releases include "Bambi," "The Reluctant Dragon," "Dumbo," all in varying stages of production; "Peter Pan," now in preparation, and "Bambi's Children."
Disney's current prime interest, of course, is "Fantasia," which represents a revolutionary system of sound presentation. He explained that the entire picture and sound accompaniment were experimental but that he could see vast possibilities.
Initial equipment, made by RCA, and dubbed Fantasound, represents an expenditure of $200,000, but the mechanism for the other installations will cost betweeen $30,000 and $40,000. Whether major companies will incorporate the same principles in their future productions will depend largely on the success of "Fantasia." Walter Wanger recently announced suspension of production to await "Fantasia's" release.
During the next 2½ years, "Fantasia" will be shown in 12 zones. First showings, following the New York premiere, will be in Los Angeles, Boston, Chicago, Philadelphia, Washington, Atlanta, Minneapolis, San Francisco, Seattle, Salt Lake City and Miami.

Fleischer Will Appeal Florida Tax Decision
Miami — Fleischer Studios, Inc., has filed notice in the Circuit Court that an appeal will be taken to the Supreme Court on Judge Arthur Gomez' ruling of Oct. 26 that the picture studios in this area should pay real estate and personal taxes on the various bond debts. The studio company claims that under an act of the 1933 legislature it is exempt from all taxes.
The judge ruled that the company was not exempt from paying its pro rata share of the state, county, school board, Inland Navigation district and Everglades drainage, district millage and acreage bonded indebtedness.

November 14, 1940
"Fantasia" Seen as Several Milestones
Walt Disney's "Fantasia," given its world premiere at the Broadway Theater last night before a distinguished audience under sponsorship of the British War Relief Society, is not merely one cinematic milestone; it is several of them. This wedding of immortal melodies, glowing Multiplane Technicolor and cartoon witchery is as breath-taking as the first glimpse of majestic Niagara. It is as unforgettable as Nature's own masterpiece in color, the Colorado Canyon. And certainly, within the exhibition confines which Disney himself has prescribed, it is box office. —BAHN.

Phil M. Daly column, New York City
• • • YES, "Fantasia" opened at the Broadway Theater last night ... but something more than that ... namely, amazing new avenues of screen entertainment of which the Disney opus is the courageous, colorful pioneer......—courageous because it dared to blaze untried trails —colorful because, in addition to its glorious Technicolor hues, it possesses the characteristics which give life, vivacity and imaginative intensity to a work of art which "Fantasia" is decidedly ... Too, the picture is a work (and a big one) of science, melding as it does realistic and impressionistic animation ... unique advances in recording and reproduction ... employment of the newly evolved RCA Fantasound ... and Multiplane photographic technique at a new height of development ... to name a few factors.
• • • WHAT is "Fantasia"? .... Right off, it is the conversational topic ... which is the successor to the recent national election .... Certainly this is so in filmland's ranks ... as well as among all those segments of the public which have seen the attraction ... Everyone appears to differ as to the exact genus of "Fantasia" .... It strikes this corner as an unprecedented composite .... Fundamentally, it is a series of magnificent short subjects held firmly together by narrative introductions to each component by Deems Taylor ... These narrative introductions form some of the most impressive and delightful footage ... because Disney brings on The Philadelphia Orchestra and the renowned Leopold Stokowski ... via visual patterns ranging from silhouettes to life-like cameos of both the conductor and the instrumentalists ... Often, these cameos flash vibrant, hot-metallic color-values born of light flashing on the copper shells of tympanies ... the brass of trumpets, trombones and French horns ... or the rich and ruddy expanse of a bass violin ... Again, what is "Fantasia"? ... It's a pageant of pictures interpreting compositions of Bach, Tchaikowsky, Dukas, Stravinsky, Beethoven, Ponchielli, Moussorgsky and Schubert ... It is not being facetious to say that "Fantasia" is the attainment of paradise by the illustrated song
• • • ONCE more, what is "Fantasia"? ... It's Disney et al at their best ... It's the closest and finest joining to date of music and films ... It's seeing the former and hearing the latter (that's what the souvenir program says, and 'tis so) .... Other things the Disney production is: ... a champagne oasis for audiences ... celluloid catnip for music lovers ... ditto for Walt's grand Army of followers ... an emotional adventure a vehicle of beauty, humor, tragedy, romance, amazement and excitement ... a couple of industry milestones ... and—husky competition for all houses unable to play it
• • • NOTABLES of society, industry and public life ... thundered their approval of "Fantasia" at last night’s opening .... Applause came from such distinguished hands as Mrs. Helen Huntington Astor, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baker, Mrs. Hugh E. D. Auchincloss, Mrs. Henry Whigham, Mrs. Kermit Roosevelt, Mr. and Mrs. Winthrop Aldrich, John Hay Whitney, Mrs. Joseph Willard, Mr. and Mrs. George J. Schaefer, Major Edward Bowes, David O. Selznick, Elizabeth Arden, Mr. and Mrs. Walt Disney, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Disney ... Leopold Stokowski, Mr. and Mrs. Deems Taylor, Spyros Skouras, Phil Reisman, Jules Levey, Ned E. Depinet, Jules Brulatour, David A. Sarnoff, Arthur Loew .... Just those few names will give an idea of the texture of the audience ... who purchased their seats to aid the British War Relief Society, Inc. ... We can't recall any audience surpassing this in brilliance ... We bend the knee to .... Disney!

November 26, 1940
$8,000 to $9,000 Daily Advance for “Fantasia”
Daily advance ticket sales for "Fantasia" at the Broadway has been averaging between $8,000 and $9,000, according to Hal Horne, distribution head for Walt Disney. Advance sales climbed to a new high this week when receipts climbed to $60,000. Six box-offices are now in operation to handle the crowds, while telephone services have been increased from four to 12 trunk lines to accommodate incoming calls for reservations. Theater staff was tripled last week.

December 6, 1940
RKO Sets 21 Features For Release to May 9
Release dates for 21 RKO features have been set from Dec. 20 to May 9, 1941. It is understood that Walt Disney's "Reluctant Dragon" will be available for release during this period.

December 13, 1940
Houser on Fleischer Cartoon Assignment
Mervin Houser has been assigned to handle publicity on the forthcoming untitled cartoon feature which is being prepared by Max Fleischer for Paramount release. Houser, who will headquarter at the Fleischer plant in Miami, is a member of Paramount's studio publicity staff in Hollywood.

December 16, 1940
Terry's Shorts Program For 20th-Fox 50% Ready
Paul Terry's cartoon staff has, completed half of its year's program of Terry-Toons for 20 th Century Fox distribution. “The Snow Man,” "The Temperamental Lion," "What a Little Sneeze Will Do" and "Hair less Hector" carry the Terry-Toons to the season's half way mark.
The pictures so far have been divided equally between Technicolor and black and white subjects, an increase over last year in the color subjects. Four other cartoons are in work at the New Rochelle studios.

December 24, 1940
Disney Loss Laid to Disruption of Markets
West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY
Hollywood—A net loss of $1,259,798 for the year ended Sept. 28 was reported by Walt Disney Productions in its first annual report. Included are an operating loss of $259,798 and a writedown of $1,000,000 in the inventory value of "Pinocchio." Report for the year ended Sept. 30, 1939 showed a net profit of $1,250,130 after all charges and Federal income taxes provision. Disruption of foreign markets was the chief cause of the loss, according to Walt Disney, president, who said:
"It has been impossible to effect an orderly release of the company's pictures in any of the countries at war, and in many countries it has been impossible to effect any release whatsoever. In fact, in most of the territories dominated by the Axis powers the release of American pictures has been forbidden."
Income from film rentals for 1940 totaled $1,954,335, of which $976,211 came from "Pinocchio," $874,597 from shorts and $103,526 from "Snow White." In 1939 film rentals totaled $3,237,217, of which $2,089,192 came from "Snow White." Other income totaled $571,387, of which $289,829 represented fees for licensing the use of Disney characters.


July 10, 1940
"The Milky Way"
M-G-M 8 mins. Grand Cartoon
The further adventures of the three little kittens (remember, they lost their mittens?) of nursery rhyme fame. Producer Rudolph Ising tells the story of how, after they were sent to bed, they took a flying trip to the milky way where they finally drank their surfeit of milk. A lot of fun.

"Porkey's Baseball Broadcast" (Looney Tune)
Vitaphone 7 mins. Fair Cartoon
Porky, as a stuttering announcer, stammers through his description of a burlesqued baseball game where the tickets are made and sold like hotcakes, the pitcher really explodes, Indians are scalpers, etc. Just fair.

"Nurse Mates" (Popeye Cartoon)
Paramount 7 mins. Calm Cartoon
If Popeye's fans expect the usual rough house fights between their hero and Bluto, they are going to be disappointed in this one. Instead they indulge in a couple of mild scuffles while tending L'il Swee'pea — and Popeye doesn't even eat the usual can of spinach!

"The Ugly Dino" (Stone Age Cartoon)
Paramount 7 mins. Poor Cartoon
A stone age version of the ugly duckling story showing how the not-so-pretty dino saves his brothers from the tiger and is reunited with the family. Put it down as poor.

July 24, 1940
"Tom Turkey and His Harmonica Humdingers" (M-G-M Cartoon)
M-G-M 7 mins. Fair Cartoon
With the general store as a locale, Tom Turkey and his cronies take off the Borrah Minnevitch harmonica gang in a mildly amusing cartoon.

"Patient Porky" (Looney Tune)
Vitaphone 7 mins. Amusing Cartoon
Porky's adventures in a hospital while trying to be cured of a tummy-ache and how he gets mixed up with a dizzy cat who imagines he would like to be a doctor supply a fair number of laughs.

July 29, 1940
"The Bookworm Turns" (M-G-M Cartoon)
M-G-M 8 mins. Weird Subject
The further adventures of the bookworm and the raven in a setting guaranteed to frighten any youngster. They become mixed up with Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde who transposes their brains and then enlarges the bookworm to abnormal size. Said bookworm is about to destroy the bird when Dr. Jekyll relents and puts them through a maze of electrical and chemical equipment that brings both back to normal. Animation, particularly in the scientific equipment scenes, is good.

"Little Blabbermouse" (Merrie Melody)
Vitaphone 7 mins. Fair Cartoon
A mouse caricature of W. C. Fields conducts after hours tours through a drug store with an amusing gag commentary until a cat finally breaks up his racket. Just fair.

August 6, 1940
"Donald's Vacation"
RKO (Disney) 8 mins. Swell Comedy
A grand, fast-moving cartoon comedy exposing Donald Duck's adventures on a solitary vacation trip. From the moment Donald glides into view in his canoe until his fade-out retreat from a hear, there is hardly a letup in the laughter provoked. Epecially funny are the episodes where he tries to work an "E-Z Folding" camp chair, and his accidental run-in with the bear.

August 9, 1940
"Doing Impossikible Stunts" (Popeye)
Paramount 7 mins. Fast Cartoon
Trying to get a contract as a film studio stunt man, Popeye shows the director some reels featuring his truely "impossikible" stunts in this swift moving cartoon. His best, however, is topped by Li’l Sweetpea who slips in a reel showing himself rescuing Popeye and Oliveoil from a bad situation. The youngsters will go for it.

"Fightin' Pals" (Popeye)
Paramount 8 mins. Meat For the Popeye Fans
Popeye's rescue of his pal and fighting partner, Bluto, from the wilds of Africa will please the sailor's following. Professor Bluto is lost while heading an African expedition and Popeye fights his way through the jungle to rescue the Prof, so that they can continue their brawls.

"Snubbed by a Snob" (Color Classic)
Paramount 7 mins. Amusing Cartoon
Spunky the donkey meets an aristocratic thoroughbred and is thoroughly snubbed until he proves his worth by rescuing the fancy horse from an enraged bull in this amusing reel. Animation and Technicolor are first rate.

"Way Back When a Razzberry Was a Fruit" (Stone Age)
Paramount 7 mins. Misses
A poor attempt to do a burlesque travelogue of the stone age days. The gags fall flat and the reel is not likely to amuse many people.

August 14, 1940
"Billy Mouse's Akwakade"
20th-Fox 7 mins. Excellent Cartoon
One of the best Terry Toons released to date by 20th-Fox, this one should get an appreciative reception from audiences generally. Terry's trained mice go through rhythmic performances, with plenty of good laughs resulting from their antics. The Akwakade is almost disrupted by a cat and a dog, but Billy Mouse and his performers come through triumphantly in the end with a performance that awes even their mortal enemies.

August 22, 1940
"You Can't Shoe a Horse Fly" (Color Classic)
Paramount 7 mins. Very Funny
Max Fleischer's cartoon donkeys, Hunky and Spunky, get into some funny adventures with a tough horse fly in this latest of the series. The fly and his gang try to make a meal of young Spunky but mama is able to rescue her offspring in time.

"Puttin' On the Act" (Popeye)
Paramount 7 mins. Good Cartoon
Popeye and Olive Oyl go into furious rehearsal of their old vaudeville act on hearing a rumor that the four-a-day is coming back. Let-down comes, when after a strenuous and funny rehearsal, they discover the rumor came from an age-old newspaper.

August 23, 1940
"Wimmin Hadn't Oughta Drive" (Popeye)
Paramount 7 mins. Amusing
Audiences will be amused by Popeye's efforts to teach Olive Oyl how to drive his new car. She breaks every rule in the book, even literally throwing out the clutch, before the sailor is able to get her to practice in a kiddie car.

"The Fulla Bluff Man" (Stone Age)
Paramount 7 mins. Just Fair
A high pressure salesman of the stone age starts a street riot so that he can sell weapons to the belligerents. Just a few laughs result.

"The Timid Pup" (Color Rhapsody)
Columbia 7½ mins. Mild Cartoon
The adventures of a timorous pup with a kitten while his mother and the mama cat brawl add up to a rather mild cartoon. Animation and Technicolor are good.

September 6, 1940
"Malibu Beach Party" (Merrie Melody)
Warners 7 mins. Fun for the Fans
Film fans will go for this one because it amusingly caricatures many of Hollywood's top stars, who are shown attending a party at Jack Benny's home in Malibu Beach. Animator Gil Turner has caught in the caricatures many of the familiar characteristics of the film colony luminaries, and there are numerous chuckles for audiences as they emerge one by one on the screen. Everything goes swimmingly at the big social affair as the stars put on some impromptu entertainment, but the gathering drops into a chasm of polite gloom when Maestro Benny decides he'll play the violin. At the finale, the determined Mr. Benny is playing only for Rochester,—sitting on the latter to assure that one person at least will listen to his concerto.

"Romeo In Rhythm" (M-G-M Cartoon)
M-G-M 8 Mins. Pleasing Nonsense
Hugh Harman has succeeded in putting good humor into this one, which is a travesty on the famous "balcony scene" from Romeo and Juliet. The delineated principals are two enamored crows enacting roles in behalf of The Black Crow Opera Co. Reel is done in the spirit of torrid Harlem, even to the dialogue. Romeo warbles some hot swing numbers to Juliet, and, dolled up in the best manner of this cosmetic age, she goes stepping with him to find a quiet place to woo. Finding none, she leaves him flat.

September 17, 1940
"Pluto's Dream House"
RKO 8 mins. Excellent Cartoon
Cartoon addicts and audiences in general will get plenty of laughs from this new Disney short. The amazing Pluto and his mentor, Mickey Mouse, get themselves into all sorts of situations in short order after Mickey uncovers a lamp which has the magic qualities of Aladdin's well known miracle producer. Pluto wakes up in the end of the short to discover that his troubles were all a dream.

September 26, 1940
"Papa Gets the Bird"
Metro 8 mins. Amusing Cartoon
Hugh Harman's Three Bears are brought back to the screen again in this short. The bears are amiable and amusing cartoon characters that should amuse most audiences, and kids particularly. Papa bear gets in serious difficulties in this reel when he tries to give the family's pet canary bird a bath. His troubles are good for a lot of laughs.

September 30, 1940
"Popeye Meets William Tell"
Paramount 7 mins. Good Cartoon
Popeye jumps back a couple of centuries to meet William Tell in this typical cartoon featuring the tough sailor. Plenty of laughter will be forthcoming as Popeye poses as the archer's son and they have to fight their way out of town.

"The Dandy Lion" (Animated Antic)
Paramount 7 mins. Just Fair
First of Max Fleischer's new Animated Antics series is just another routine cartoon with nothing new to tempt the picture goers. Story involves the effort of an Indian girl to pass off a friendly lion as a dog and the attempts of the Indians to get rid of the lion, until he proves himself by rescuing one of the papooses.

October 10, 1940
"Tangled Television"
Columbia 7½ mins. Amusing Cartoon
An explanation is made to the cartoon audience of how television happened to come about, and a demonstration is started by the professors responsible for this new scientific wrinkle. Amazing things happen from there on as the audience is taken on an optical journey of the world. It's amusing.

"Farmer Tom Thumb"
Columbia 6 mins. Weak Cartoon
Tom Thumb is born two inches tall and never gets any larger to the disappointment and amazement of his parents. His father and mother are annoyed at a number of escapades he gets into because of his size. At the age of 16 he is no help to his father, and the farm is going to be sold because of conditions. Tom discovers some new fangled farm vitamins which save the day.

October 11, 1940
"Schoolboy Dreams"
Columbia 5 mins. Fair Cartoon
Featuring Scrappy, this cartoon is moderately amusing. Scrappy wakes up and finally gets to school after a tremendous effort. A new and pretty teacher animates Scrappy into action. He rushes home to get the teacher an apple, but falls asleep when he gets back to school. He wakes up just as the teacher decorates him with a dunce cap after he has dreamed of saving the teacher from a number of perils in the days when knighthood was in flower.

October 17, 1940
"My Pop, My Pop" (Popeye)
Paramount 7 mins. Weak Cartoon
Popeye's Pappy, the 90 year old would-be youngster, tries to help the sailor build a boat and makes a shambles of the job until Popeye is able to finish while his father takes a nap. Just fair.

"King For a Day" (Gabby Cartoon) Paramount 7 mins. Just Fair
A routine cartoon, in Technicolor, relating the adventures of Gabby when he substitutes for the king who has been warned that he is to be shot. After a wild chase through the palace, it develops that the suspected killer is just a photographer out to make a "shot."

October 25, 1940
"Window Cleaners"
RKO 8 mins. Hilarious Cartoon
Donald Duck, window cleaner, and his assistant, Pluto, will draw plenty of hearty laughs from audiences in this cartoon. Pluto hoists Donald to the top of a building to start work. All sorts of things start happening to him immediately and he finally winds up in a drainpipe, with Pluto preventing him from getting out because he is sleeping across the mouth of the pipe. Short is a Walt Disney production.

Warners 7 mins. Clever Cartoon
Story opens with a big dog chasing a pup that has a bone. The two dogs tear through an open door and discover they are backstage in a theater. They become involved with a trained seal, a tight rope, and a pugnacious little chicken that lives in a magician's hat, with the chicken finally settling all disputes by breaking the bone in half. It's clever.

"Prehistoric Porky"
Warners 7 mins. Fair Cartoon
The Stone Age, with its strange monsters and settings, is treated humorously in this new adventure of Porky Pig's. Cast as a caveman, Porky sallies forth in search of a new fur coat. His tribulations and mishaps, mixed up with comedy gags, should get a fair amount of laughs. Leon Schlesinger produced.

"Holiday Highlights"
Warners 7 mins. Amusing Short
A satire on national holidays, this cartoon contains a number of good laughs. Gags illustrate the different ways in which various holidays are celebrated in different sections of the country. Leon Schlesinger produced the short.

October 29, 1940
"Recruiting Daze"
Universal 6 2/3 mins. Fair Cartoon
Punchy, a slightly wacky recruit, joins up as the government calls for conscripts. The generals are in a dither and Punchy wanders aimlessly about the camp with a wheelbarrow full of munitions. Modern mechanized Indians, big berthas, little berthas and beebe guns are displayed; a pursuit plane slices sausage off a sausage balloon and bombs fall all over the landscape. Punchy comes to an untimely end when he falls into a big bertha after loading it.

November 7, 1940
"The Homeless Flea"
Metro 8 mins. Amusing Cartoon
The short introduces a young flea, wandering in search of a home. Noting a sign on a gate to "beware of the dog," he immediately enters and looks up what he thinks will be his future home. All the flea's plans go to naught, however, when the dog finally catches him and throws him out. Reel has lots of laughs.

"Gallopin' Gals"
Metro 8 mins Funny Cartoon
Derby Day, and all the four legged fillies are primping in their stalls for the big race. The girls have the usual catty gossip and their principal worries are about their coiffures and what their friends have been doing. Of course, there is an ugly duckling in the crew, and the aforementioned ugly duckling comes through to win the big race, booting home a lot of laughs in the meantime.

November 26, 1940
"Mr. Mouse Takes a Trip"
RKO-Disney 8 mins. Funny Cartoon
The irrepressible Mickey Mouse and the equally irrepressible Pluto encounter some amusing difficulties in this short. Mickey sets out with Pluto to pay a visit to Pomona. He is promptly booted off the train because no dogs are allowed, but he circumvent this by cramming Pluto into a suitcase. Mickey and Pluto have lots of conductor trouble before they arrive at their destination, happily being thrown off the train just as it passes through Pomona.

November 27, 1940
"Landing of the Pilgrims"
20th-Fox 7 mins. Fair Cartoon
Reel depicts the landing of the Pilgrims from the good ship Mayflower. Short has some laughs and Technicolor enriches it. The Pilgrims land to discover that the Indians are up to the minute business men, with hot dog stands, etc., wheeled out upon their arrival. One young Pilgrim has a considerable amount of trouble getting his Thanksgiving turkey, only to be notified as he is about to chop its head off that by order of the president Thanksgiving was the week before. Paul Terry was the producer.

"Sour Puss"
Warners 7 mins. Funny Cartoon
Plenty of laughs have been incorporated into this cartoon produced by Leon Schlesinger. Porky and a feline friend plan a fish dinner. But their plans are more than a little upset by a flying fish.

"Mouse Meets Lion"
Columbia 6 mins. Fair Cartoon
Prancing through the jungle, a young mouse accidentally pulls a lion's mane, mistaking it for grass. The enraged lion finally lets the mouse go after some heavy pleading, and he returns the favor by gnawing through the ropes that hold the lion in a trap.

November 28, 1940
"The Magic Pencil"
20th-Fox 7 mins. Laughable Cartoon
Gandy, a wacky young goose, gets himself in and out of a lot of trouble in this short as a result of a radio show. The radio announcer says that the company will give a magic pencil to anybody turning in 2,000 box caps and 10 cents. Gandy shoots his material into the radio and gets his magic pencil back via the same route in short order. Gandy finally gets himself out of trouble by erasing the results of his art work with the magic pencil, and the pencil itself provides an amusing climax for the reel. Subject was produced by Paul Terry.

"Sneak, Snoop and Snitch"
Paramount 7 mins. Mediocre CartoonThe three spies of "Gulliver's Travels" make an inauspicious debut in this short subject, first of a series planned by Max Fleischer with the three characters. Reel has a couple of laughs, but not enough. The three characters steal a chest owned by the king and after great effort get it open to discover it contains a junior G-man badge and nothing more.

"Wacky Wildlife"
Warners 7 mins. Funny Cartoon
Leon Schlesinger presents another satire on wild animal life in this short, with highly amusing results. Reel burlesques the habits and traits of a lot of well-known animals. Audiences should get a kick out of the subject.

November 29, 1940
"Knock, Knock"
Universal 7 mins. Funny Cartoon
Andy Panda and his pop have a considerable amount of trouble with a very fresh and pugnacious woodpecker in this subject with laughable results. Pop Panda sets out to get the woodpecker, in a blistering rage after the bird has made the roof of their house look like a sieve. But, although Andy finally gets the bird cornered the pandas get the bird from the bird in the long run and the woodpecker bangs pop around plenty.

"Plane Goofy"
20th-Fox 7 mins. Amusing Short
A salesman for an airplane company descends on a rural farm with his wares, with amusing and amazing results in this reel. He demonstrates his machine in a spectacular manner and the barnyard denizens shortly take to the air themselves in a weird conglomeration of crates and old eggbeaters. The farmer also has a flight, but decides against it after he safely gets back to earth. Reel, which is in Technicolor, was produced by Paul Terry.

December 2, 1940
“The Constable”
Paramount 7 mins. Amusing Cartoon
Gabby, the constable, meets up with the irate mayor of the town late at night and discovers one of hizzoner's pigs has been lifted. Gabby sets out on the trail of the thieves in a pigskin makeup and rounds up the crooks with amusing results. Subject was produced by Max Fleischer.

"Mommy Loves Puppy"
Paramount 7 mins. Fair Cartoon
When a young St. Bernard pup starts out with his mother to make the rounds looking for anybody who might be lost, he is sent back to the dog's outpost. However, he ventures out on his own and gets in a considerable amount of trouble before he is rescued by his mother and given a large dose of castor oil. A walrus that gets too much brandy will draw some laughs. Reel was produced by Max Fleischer.

December 4, 1940
"Eugene, The Jeep"
Paramount 7 mins. Fair Cartoon
Popeye is the recipient of a Jeep named Eugene in this cartoon. A note with Eugene informs the redoubtable sailor man that the Jeep must sleep out of doors. Popeye builds a crib, but each time he puts Eugene in the crib he finds him back in his own bed before he gets there himself, although the door is closed, finally Popeye resigns himself to sleeping in the Jeep's crib. Short is a Max Fleischer production.

"The Lonesome Stranger"
Metro 9 mins. Extremely Funny Cartoon
The characterizations are funny and the action is even funnier in this cartoon, with the reel one of the funniest short subjects of this type seen in some time. Hugh Harman produced and the subject is in Technicolor. The Lonesome Stranger finally subdues the notorious Killer Diller boys, bad men extraordinary, with results that will get laughs from any audience.

"Popeye With Poopdeck Pappy"
Paramount 7 mins Amusing Short
Popeye has a considerable amount of trouble with his father, Poopdeck Pappy, in this reel. The old codger insists on going out at night and raising a little cain despite Popeye's exhortations and attempts to keep him at home. Pappy finally flies the coop again and Popeye wakes up to find himself tied up. Max Fleischer produced.

December 11, 1940
"Fire Chief"
RKO 8 mins. Fairly Funny
Donald Duck and his three nephews comprise the local fire department. The kids trick Donald with a false alarm and he makes them drill to get even. Donald accidentally sets the fire house ablaze, but it's not until the truck is several blocks away that he discovers where the fire actually is. He puts the fire out eventually, but not until the fire house and the truck have been completely wrecked through his using gasoline instead of water. Subject is a Walt Disney production in Technicolor.

"Goofy's Glider"
RKO 8 mins. Funny Cartoon
Goofy takes up glider flying in this reel with laughable results. His first effort to take off as he reads an instruction book is very sad. At the same time a voice is heard in the background detailing instructions and explaining mishaps. Goofy continues his experiments and after considerable trouble finally takes off, but his impetus is so great he disappears from sight. Reel is a Walt Disney production in Technicolor.

December 16, 1940
"Bring Himself Back Alive"
Paramount 7 mins. Poor Cartoon
This subject is very short on laughs. The character created for the principal role had possibilities, but the material in the remainder of the short stifles the humor. Hyde Skinner, a jungle trapper, sets out on his rounds. He lays a trap for a lion, but the lion reverses the position and Skinner gets blown up. A fairly funny gag involves a turtle used by Skinner as a means of transportation.

December 18, 1940
"Raggedy Ann"
Paramount 19 mins. Good Cartoon
As a Christmas release, this cartoon number should appeal particularly to kids. It is sentimental, and the story is nicely worked out. Max Fleischer produced, with the story adapted from the works written by Johnny Gruelle. A little girl goes to a toy store to buy the Raggedy Ann doll in the window. But she is told by the owner that she must also buy the Raggedy Andy sewed to it, as they go together. She only has the price of one and he tells her the story of why the two dolls are joined together, finally giving her both of them as she dejectedly turns to leave the shop. Subject is in Technicolor.

December 23, 1940
"Shop, Look and Listen" (Merrie Melody)
Vitaphone 7 mins. So-So Cartoon
The further adventures of Little Blabbermouse on a package conveyor tour of a deserted department store, conducted by a W. C. Fields-type mouse. Idea was used in an earlier Leon Schlesinger cartoon and this one is not as funny as the original. Blabbermouse heckles the barker and threatens to spoil the tour until the irate mouse ties him up in the bundle wrapping department. Technicolor is first-rate.

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